Thursday, November 20, 2008

Taco Bell Freeze

As a reminder, Group 4's Project is this Saturday @ 11:30am down @ Westlake Center right near the Starbucks if anyone wants to come. Remember how we showed the Grand Central Freeze in class? My sister told me about another youtube video she saw similar to that, so I found it. Enjoy! Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008


Walk an invisible dog through the park on a leash
Play fetch with him


Draw a line on a piece of paper
Erase the line
Throw the paper away
Do "The Limbo" under the line


Choose any leaf from your yard
Follow it around for 24 hours

Google: The Splasher

Art Critic or Vandal? ‘The Splasher’ Leaves Clues

Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times
An example of the street artist's work is seen along Rivington just west of Allen Street.

Published: June 27, 2007

Street artists have speculated for months about the identity of a mysterious figure who has become known as “the Splasher” because he or she hurled colorful blobs of paint at prominent pieces of art on exterior walls in Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan.

The only clues left behind in the paint assaults were bold manifestoes — phrases like “destroy the museums, in the streets and everywhere” — that appeared to critique the commercialization of art.

Now it appears that there may be more than one Splasher, and those claiming responsibility for the attacks have offered additional information about themselves.

One hint came Saturday night, when several people showed up at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery in Chelsea during a reception for the artist Shepard Fairey, who is known for his stenciled images of the wrestler Andre the Giant. They distributed a 16-page newsprint tabloid with the title, “If We Did It, This Is How It Would’ve Happened.” The cover was illustrated by a photograph of a piece of art by Mr. Fairey that had been splattered by paint.

The publication’s opening essay said that last summer, a group of “co-conspirators and provocateurs” began splashing paint on pieces of art, many of them created by street artists, like Mr. Fairey, who have achieved mainstream recognition.

On another page, the group’s members said they had learned the location of a show held in early June by a street art collective called Faile and “subsequently penetrated their sanctum.” During that show, a member of the Faile collective said, a stink bomb was ignited.

Last Thursday, during a show of Mr. Fairey’s work in the Dumbo section of Brooklyn, James Cooper, 24, was arrested and accused of lighting a homemade stink bomb. Mr. Cooper, facing arson and other charges, has denied any wrongdoing.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Last Week

Upon the rough and treacherous Red Sea, a ship was hijacked by pirates. Demanding a ransom for the ships safe return, they sailed away into the night. "Arrr Matey".

Source- Everett Herald 11-5-2008

Family Support

A 90 year old woman taken into custody last week, had been living with her older siblings in Illinois before arrest. Only problem, all 3 siblings were dead and in her basement. She's now being observed.

Source- Seattle Times 11-9-08

Motherly Love

Eva Daley, 31, sentenced 15 years to life when she decided to drive her 13 year old son and buddies to a skate park, where they killed a natorious gang rival. She claims not to have known.

Source- Everett Herold 11-5-2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Trick or Treat or Meth?

A child in Ramsey brought home a treat bag full of Skittles, Snickers Bars, and $285 worth of Methamphetamine on Halloween. An older teen, tossed the Meth in the child’s bag as a prank. Arrested later that night, the joke's on him.

Source- Everett Herald 11-5-2008

Genius Escape...

After running through town, with 2 bags of money, stolen from an armored truck outside a bank in Monroe, Anthony Curico, 28, floated away on a bright yellow inner tube, witnesses said. It’s that simple… expect he got caught.

Source- Seattle Times 11-4-2008