Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thought's On Yesterday's Presentation

The group did an amazing job yesterday! My favorite part had to be when we were outside, and Jimmy "got hit" by the car.. in any other situation though, that just wouldn't be funny!! It could have been bad, since I read that it was never actually practiced before then.... :) (It was also that way with the graffiti artists up on the roof of the parking garage.. if I would have come across this at another time, it wouldn't have got the same reaction either.. but it was perfect in the context.) Good Job! In the same way that my group, the freeze group, was able to get the class a little out of their comfort zone, and do something they normally wouldn't, I enjoyed the play in 3 lines that we had to come up with. There was a competitive aspect added, that made it more enjoyable, and we didn't have much time to come up with it, so it made it exciting!

As I was walking across the street later that day, I thought the car coming was going to stop, but as I stepped out into the street, they DIDN'T.... and I had to leap back out of the way! I was so angry! It certainly WASN'T funny in that context, the same way it had been earlier... Its amazing how certain things can cause different reactions depending on how they are displayed. By this I mean, if they are displayed as entertainment, then we can find humor or excitement or horror in many things that otherwise wouldn't be funny, exciting or we would puke or not be able to watch in our everyday existence! I guess that is why the movie and entertainment industry makes so much money.. it is a way for us to go to places we normally wouldn't ever go, and be able to find different emotions in things we wouldn't otherwise!

Great Presentation!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A cruise ship carrying 1000 people was attacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia. A pair of small boats carrying a few pirates each approached, fired eight shots each, but the ship made it to its destination safely. 12/2/08


I was thinking about the presentation today, and how there is a little irony somewhere in each of our days! I have been so frustrated all quarter spending extra time in the library, because my home computer has gotten virus after virus. With the amount of money my fiance and I have spent on fixing the problems, we could have probably gone and bought a new computer by now... We just got it back from the shop a couple days ago and I was surfing a little today after class. Isn't it amazing how we get online pop-ups offering to help you get rid of online pop-ups advertisements???! Then THIS goes back to the presentation on advertisements too! They are around us everywhere, in every aspect of our lives. So after spending 2 hours on the computer looking at absolutely nothing at all... I realized that there were many other things that were much more productive that I could have been doing instead! Spray a little grafitti, and it is just all tied together with what the groups have talked about in class! Its great to see the topics people have chose, show up in real life.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008



After watching the couple of presentations given on graffiti in class, it changed my thinking a little bit. Normally I would think of graffiti as something "wrong" or something that "those kids" do, something that shouldn't be done or vandalism. The second presentation had me remembering a day when I was younger and I was walking in Seattle with my family. Along our way, we came to a wall that had art ALL over it, it was COMPLETELY covered and it was so amazing! You could tell it was created by multiple different artists and they were able to come together and make this amazing piece of art on something as simple as a wall. I wish I was more artistically gifted so I could go "tag" some walls.. I wish I could be so amazing that it could take your breath away by just looking at it. I found some, that I thought were wonderful that I wanted to show. I would choose hidden places, where if you see it, you are one of the few that witness it, and I think that would add meaning to the art...

Graffiti Poetry

"It is poetic in that words connoted, denoted and outright symbolized take on and exhibit meanings intended and non-intended by the author.

Text becomes texture and vice versa. The act itself is loaded with poetic significance. What begins as merely a name being manipulated through letters and flung against a surface becomes perceived as a scream. An action, a license to seize. What begins as prank ends as poetry.

It is a science in that the action/signal is both calculated and methodical. In many ways the tradition is formulaic but like all traditions, data passed down is expanded or reduced thusevolving the form. The effort requires both improvisation and precision. Like a musical instrument, anyone can pick at a piano or guitar and make musical sounds, but few can claim that they are masters of any musical instrument; anyone can pick up a can of paint and write on a wall, but not many can say they are masters of the sciences required to produce graffiti. Time and exercise create proficiency. "

Buford Youthward