Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I was thinking about the presentation today, and how there is a little irony somewhere in each of our days! I have been so frustrated all quarter spending extra time in the library, because my home computer has gotten virus after virus. With the amount of money my fiance and I have spent on fixing the problems, we could have probably gone and bought a new computer by now... We just got it back from the shop a couple days ago and I was surfing a little today after class. Isn't it amazing how we get online pop-ups offering to help you get rid of online pop-ups advertisements???! Then THIS goes back to the presentation on advertisements too! They are around us everywhere, in every aspect of our lives. So after spending 2 hours on the computer looking at absolutely nothing at all... I realized that there were many other things that were much more productive that I could have been doing instead! Spray a little grafitti, and it is just all tied together with what the groups have talked about in class! Its great to see the topics people have chose, show up in real life.

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