Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Being Uncreative

-Last Clean Shirt-

.EDU car dog bark clock tape looking honk talk honk turn bus close
pedestrians stop honk turn bus shift radio siren turn shot
"don't walk" shot brake .ashes to ashes. last clean shirt "walk"
*change view* clock empty FIN.
One thing that I noticed from the film, is that the scene itself was repeated 3 times, and the car while driving only took 3 turns. I think there was meaning to that number 3 being that we have multiple ways to look at the situation.
The first trip around, all we hear is the woman speaking, and since I didn't understand her, I tried to focus on her but, I looked at the street the entire time, completely ignoring the two in the car. I looked at the buses and the pedestrians and the street signs although they were all fuzzy and blurry, I still tried to make them out. You could notice the honks and the screeches and sounds of the city.
The second trip, the focus was put back on the woman as her spoken ideas were being told to us through subtitles. I didn't notice the pedestrians or the signs anymore, but I wanted to hear what she was saying and I focused all my attention to her.
The third trip, the focus was put on the driver. He was still quiet, yet we were allowed to see into his mind just a little. He was given a voice that maybe otherwise he wouldn't have had. Without the 3rd trip around, we would miss the full picture.
This film was odd, yet appreciable. I did feel a little claustrophobic watching it, and I wanted to hop out each time when they got out of the car, but it started over again. I did appreciate that our vision was limited to what they saw. We weren't allowed to wander, but forced to sit in the backseat and listen and take the ride with them. Interesting!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Andy Warhol

I have seen this piece of art, along with many, many other photos of Marilyn, hanging on my Aunts wall for years and years. It was the one that I always looked to first, and I have always loved it! I started reading this book, and I wanted to know a little more about Andy Warhol, so I Googled his name, and found this picture! I love when I can connect new things to old things. I have a deeper appreciation for learning when it is tied to something already a part of me.. if that makes sense! :)
I also saw a quote on one page I went to, that I have heard somewhere before... I think my mom talked about this quote a loooooong time ago! I like the simplicity of it, and how he makes his point so understandable which makes him even more so relatable.

"What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca Cola and you know that the President drinks Coca Cola, Liz Taylor drinks Coca Cola, and just think, you can drink Coca Cola, too. A coke is a coke and no amount of money can get you a better coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the cokes are the same and all the cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it."
– The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: (From A to B and Back Again), 1975

Thursday, October 23, 2008


After posting, I realized I should give some insight into what I had done. I took a mixture of words that were written in my class notes to make the slide show below. Some examples of the words are Materialism, Madness, Dreams, Manifesto, Nadja.... Can you tell which is which?!

I also wanted to comment on the clip from To Kill a Mocking Bird that we watched at the end of class Wednesday. It flustered up some feelings in me, which was maybe the point, but you know that sensation when a CD skips, and you let it go just a little longer, hoping that it will stop... you tough it out hoping that in the end there will be the pay off of hearing the song? You maybe fast forward a little, and if it still doesn't stop skipping, you change to the next song right? Have you ever had an entire CD that skipped? Every song I went to once skipped around 10 seconds or so into each song.... I ended up throwing the CD out my window I got so annoyed, trying to wait it out!

As I sat there in class, my foot started to tap at a faster and faster rate, and I felt my heart start to beat a little faster (that may have been because the volume was SO loud), but regardless.... I wanted to THROW THAT VIDEO OUT THE WINDOW, like I had my CD! haha... I did appreciate that when you would listen to each part long enough, you could almost hear a different word forming, and then another and the movements were semi-interesting...... but that's it! I had a difficult time with that film... I needed a drink of water after I ran out of the class room! :)


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Frozen Cheesecake

I have been trying to come up with ways to look at my "everyday" differently. It is actually fun to try and see events and normal things in a different light, and just mix it up a little!

The last couple days, my boyfriend and I have both been pretty sick sneezing, coughing and so on. We decided to take it really easy, and he did this little project with me!

Just like in kindergarten, we had Opposite Day, where we would try to react the complete opposite way of what we normally would. It makes every situation completely different than what it would have been otherwise....

My Example:
I went to work at Claim Jumper yesterday, and they told me that my shift had been cut. Normally I would have been pissed that I had gotten ready in my uniform and drove all the way there... but I resisted my complaining, and said "Thank You" to my boss with a huge smile! I then called my boyfriend on my drive home to tell him how happy I was that I wasn't going to make any money that day! We ended up having the funnest night together. We walked the dogs without their leashes. Earlier that day, instead of putting the cheesecake we bought in the fridge, we decided to freeze it instead. When I got home we sat together on the floor instead of the couch, eating frozen cheesecake, watching a Spanish soap opera on TV (which we totally didn't understand) instead of the normal Sports Center that is always on!

It was a day that would have never happened if I would of had to work! I urge you to try something like this..... mix up your everyday... it's actually quite moving!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Un Chien.. WHAT???!

I was SOOOOO taken back when I saw this film called Un Chien Andalou. I don't understand what was going on! I tried to have an open mind, but I think I missed the underlying meaning or something... Maybe I would have been able to look harder for one, but after I watched an eye ball be sliced open by a razor, completely out of the blue, I was too nauseated to really even concentrate! (See picture above!)

I thought back to a reading we read, ( I believe it was in the Manifesto of Surrealism) where it talked about how being "mad" or "crazy" really wasn't a bad thing, because you weren't limited within your imagination and your own creativity. I can't help but to think that the creator of this film was just that.... MAD! He did not limit himself at all, letting this film go here and there.. and all over the place! I don't think I personally would be able to be that abstract and make something so respected and known, like this film. I do NOT want to ever watch it again, but I am going to do some research on the film itself to try and understand what I was looking at and perhaps what I was supposed to take away from it.......

Everyday Speech

I wanted to re-read a section from The Everyday book we have been going over in class. I wanted to look deeper into the Everyday Speech by Maurice Blanchot. The title itself was what intrigued me in the first place. The Everyday: What is Most Difficult to Discover.

Without seeing a question mark, I already assumed it was talking about what is the most difficult part of the everyday. It doesn't ask this as a question. It is simply stated. The conclusion starts with "Is not the everyday, then, a utopia, the myth if an existence bereft of myth? We no more have access to the everyday than do we touch this moment of history that could, historically, represent the end of history."

Take a moment to let that stew in your brain....

I had to take.. well... 2 weeks and I am now coming back to it!

Reading this again, automatically I say we DO have access to each of our everyday's! I have much control over my day to day life. I can "touch" today, and make a mark on each day, depending on what i do and by doing what I WANT to do. I have very much access to each of my days, and I have a say in what happens in each of them. A lot of the times, my everyday is not a "utopia" in any sense of the word either.... I do not agree at all with the above quote.

I sat some more, and I realized that I am looking at the idea of "the everyday" in a very basic way. For example I am only looking at the surface level things that I actually have control over. I have no say in that today will go by hour by hour, minute by minute and second by second. That is a fact! I have no say over that. Nor do I have a say in whether or not today is a significant day to anyone else. Today will be only that. Today. Today could be the first day. Today could be the last day. I can't "touch" or mess with that. Today will go by, and it will be looked back upon as a piece of history. It will be part in making up MY history, and EVERYONES history! That is huge!

I'm learning so far in this class to let my mind wander a bit, and not look at things in the most common way, but try to understand ideas and thoughts in a somewhat deeper and heavier way. That is a quality in people that I have always admired, and I too can be like that is some respect!

The End! (or beginning...)

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I interpreted the photos in my slide show below as if they were snapshots from a dream. I used Dream Moods Dictionary as inspiration in the explanations! Enjoy!

Journey to Bothell

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Opposite Accident

I had a sudden urge to go buy Dance Dance Revolution to play on my Wii a few hours ago. :)

This seemingly uneventful journey to WalMart turned into a could-have-been-pretty bad accident..

It was dark. I walked through the parking lot making my way towards the cross walk. I looked both ways and waited for a couple cars to pass before I crossed. I watched the last one pass as I started to walk, then turned my head the other way making sure another wasn't coming, and I kept looking that way as I started to jog across....... Not realizing that the car that had been driving by had come to a STOP.... I continued my fast pace a few more steps, trying to hurry and I RAN FACE FIRST, RIGHT INTO THE VAN!

As if a trip to WalMart isn't painful enough.. the left side of my face, my shoulder and my pride are all a wee bit sore... I am sooooo embarassed!

I did a lot less damage to the van, than the damage the van could have done to me!

Here's a look-a-like of the guilty party..... haha...