Monday, October 20, 2008

Un Chien.. WHAT???!

I was SOOOOO taken back when I saw this film called Un Chien Andalou. I don't understand what was going on! I tried to have an open mind, but I think I missed the underlying meaning or something... Maybe I would have been able to look harder for one, but after I watched an eye ball be sliced open by a razor, completely out of the blue, I was too nauseated to really even concentrate! (See picture above!)

I thought back to a reading we read, ( I believe it was in the Manifesto of Surrealism) where it talked about how being "mad" or "crazy" really wasn't a bad thing, because you weren't limited within your imagination and your own creativity. I can't help but to think that the creator of this film was just that.... MAD! He did not limit himself at all, letting this film go here and there.. and all over the place! I don't think I personally would be able to be that abstract and make something so respected and known, like this film. I do NOT want to ever watch it again, but I am going to do some research on the film itself to try and understand what I was looking at and perhaps what I was supposed to take away from it.......

1 comment:

Christine said...

I don't think you were the only one in class that felt this way. The eye being cut to me represented how we don't need to use our eyes when we dream....we have vision without sight.